50/50 Subscriptions FAQ’s

How do subscriptions work?
It’s a very easy process. When you purchase your raffle tickets you will have the chance to subscribe for automatic purchases for future raffles. That will keep you enrolled for the remainder of the season. After that just sit back, relax, and watch your tickets in your inbox every time there is a raffle.
How do I subscribe to 50/50 purchases?
To subscribe to purchase 50/50 tickets, proceed through the checkout process for purchasing 50/50 tickets for a Calgary Flames Foundation raffle draw. Before you proceed to provide payment details, you will be given the option to subscribe to future 50/50 draws. Select the price point you wish to subscribe to, the quantity you wish to purchase each draw, and continue to purchase your tickets. You will be subscribed for future raffles.
Can I just ask the Calgary Flames Foundation to subscribe me?
Due to AGLC regulations, a representative from the Flames Foundation is unable to subscribe you on your behalf.
When will my subscription purchases begin?
Your subscription purchases will begin with the next Calgary Flames Foundation 50/50 raffle.
When does my subscription end?
Your subscription will end at the end of the Flames 2023/24 season and/or playoffs.
Can I cancel my subscription?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Simply go into your account and unsubscribe. You can access or create your account at any time on the Flames 5050 website (5050flames.com) by clicking on the Subscription Account link on the top of the web page.
You can also unsubscribe by sending us an email to 5050draw@calgaryflames.com containing the receipt of your ticket purchases. Make sure you send it from the email address you used to subscribe.
What happens if my credit card is declined?
If your credit card is declined, your 50/50 raffle ticket purchase will not be processed, and you will be automatically unsubscribed from your 50/50 raffle subscription. To re-subscribe, you will need to go through the subscription process once again and provide your updated credit card details.
How often will I be charged for my raffle ticket purchases?
Your credit card on file will only be charged each day that a Calgary Flames Foundation 50/50 raffle opens. For multi-day draws, you will be charged once on the day that the draw opens. Should you wish to purchase additional 50/50 tickets, you can do so through the checkout process.
Can I subscribe to multiple price points?
Yes, you will have the option to pick the price point you wish to subscribe to, the quantity you wish to purchase, as well as the amount of different price points you wish to purchase.